
International Journal of Business and Economics

International Journal of Business and Economics
Volume 12, No. 2

December, 2013
Modelling the Risk Profiles of Clients in the Fight Against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing
Arnoldo R. Camacho
Department of Finance, INCAE Business School, Costa Rica
Global standards require financial intermediaries (FIs) to develop risk profiles to fight money laundering and terrorism financing. International typologies and multivariate analysis techniques are used to define profiles and develop models to classify clients; indicators are proposed to assess the vulnerability and exposure of intermediaries and the quality and stability of the models. Statistical evidence proves significant to validate profiles, avoiding the use of subjective criteria, generalizations, or stereotypes; a time-, resource-, and cost-efficient process is designed for FIs to monitor transactions and clients; the models are shown to be useful to assist intermediaries and regulators to deter these types of crimes.
Keywords: emerging markets and developing economies, anti-money laundering and combat of  terrorism finance, financial and capital markets, profiling risky clients.
JEL Classifications:E44, G21, K42.