
International Journal of Business and Economics

International Journal of Business and Economics
Volume 18, No. 1

June, 2019
Influence of Taiwan Military's Facebook Community and Organizational Identification on Members' Attitude toward Joining the Military
Yung Tan
College of Business, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Ching-Wei Ho
Development of Marketing Management, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
This research explores the effect of Taiwan military's Facebook community website on members’ attitude toward the military, revealing the mediation effects of community and organizational identification on the attitude toward the military. This study analyzes quantitative survey data for military recruitment to validate five hypotheses, with the results showing that the Facebook community enhances community interaction, exchange of opinions, organizational identification, and attitude toward the military. The results also indicate that the attitude toward enlisting in the military is positively and significantly correlated with the community and organizational identification of the members of the Facebook community, although the effects with respect to community and organization differ.
Keywords:Facebook community, community identification, organizational identification, job-seekers' attitude.
JEL Classifications:M12, M38, O15.