
International Journal of Business and Economics

International Journal of Business and Economics
Volume 21, No. 3

December, 2022
Interplay of Contextual Dimensions – Evidence from Agripreneurs and Agriventures in India
Sujana Adapa
Professor, UNE Business School, University of New England, Australia
Subba Reddy Yarram
Associate Professor, UNE Business School, University of New England, Australia
This paper sets out to explore the contextual relevance and the interplay of various contextual dimensions in the setup and establishment of agriventures in India. The relevance of various dimensions of the context are also explored in the development of process, outcome and future orientations of agriventures. The paper extends the knowledge on the contextualised views of agripreneurship and elicits the relevance of historical, institutional, social, spatial, temporal and societal dimensions in the promotion of agripreneurial activities and outcomes. The findings emerging from the present study provide answers to extensive calls put forward by academic scholars to contextualise entrepreneurship research by placing a greater emphasis on the agricultural sector and country context.
Keywords:Agripreneurs, Agriventures, Context, Opportunities, Challenges, Dimensions, India.
JEL Classifications:D22, J14, L25, L26.