
International Journal of Business and Economics

International Journal of Business and Economics
Volume 3, No. 1

April​, 2004
Investment Decisions and Normalization with Incomplete Markets:
​A Pitfall in Aggregating Shareholders' Preferences
Luigi Ventura
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Università La Sapienza, Italy
Profit maximization is not a well defined objective when markets are incomplete. Several criteria of investment choice have therefore been put forward in the literature, some of which crucially hinge upon aggregation of shareholders' preferences, as is the case with the criteria proposed by Drèze (1974) and Grossman and Hart (1979). This note shows that these criteria are normalization dependent, i.e., their outcome depends on the good chosen to express individuals' marginal rates of substitution.
Keywords:investment decisions, normalization, incomplete markets.
JEL Classifications: D52, D70, D81.