
International Journal of Business and Economics

International Journal of Business and Economics
Volume 8, No. 2

August, 2009
The Market for Motion Pictures in Thailand: Rank, Revenue, and Survival at the Box Office
W. D. Walls
Department of Economics, University of Calgary, Canada
We examine the theatrical market for motion pictures in Thailand using a sample of films exhibited in 2004–2008. Using data on weekly and cumulative film revenues, we find strong evidence of increasing returns to information as indicated by substantial concave departures from the Pareto size distribution. The distribution of cumulative revenues across films is consistent with the winner-take-all nature of an elimination tournament. In contrast to other markets dominated by Hollywood imports, several of the top-earning films in Thailand are domestically produced.
Keywords:Thai film industry, returns to information, winner-take-all, heavy tails.
JEL Classifications:L82.