
International Journal of Business and Economics

International Journal of Business and Economics
Volume 9, No. 3

December, 2010
Limit-Pricing and Learning-By-Doing:
A Dynamic Game with Incomplete Information
Ke Yang
Barney School of Business, University of Hartford, U.S.A.
We study a firm's pricing/output strategy under threat of entry in a two-period game with asymmetric information, where the firm can reduce future cost through learning-by-doing. In contrast with previous literature, we show that a firm's incentive to reduce cost through higher production may not align with its incentive to signal its cost type. As a consequence, in equilibrium, the incumbent firm might distort its price upward instead of downward.
Keywords:limit-pricing, learning-by-doing, dynamic game.
JEL Classifications:L11, L12, L13.